Friday 1 April 2016

You are a consultant working with an architectural firm that has just merged


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You are a consultant working with an architectural firm that has just merged

This is an individual project. Using the case study below, develop a 3 – 5 page paper that is well organized and provides specific answers to each part of the assignment. The document must be complete and demonstrate that you can apply what you have learned in the course. The deliverable should also demonstrate that you can meet the course outcomes.

Case Study
You are a consultant working with an architectural firm that has just merged with another team of architects and construction project managers. The original New York office housed:
• 5 architects,
• 3 construction project managers,
• 3 executives and business managers,
• 3 administrative (HR, Finance & Accounting, Sales & Marketing, etc.) staff
members, and
• 1 receptionist/office assistant
When merger is completed, there will be five (5) offices located in New York, Miami, San Diego, Seattle, and Las Vegas.
The combined offices will have:
• 17 architects,
• 13 construction project managers,
• 7 executives and business managers,
• 12 administrative (HR, Finance & Accounting, Sales & Marketing, etc.) staff
members, and
• 5 receptionists/office assistants.
All of the managers and staff work in the various offices, but 25 architects and construction project managers also work remotely when they are at construction sites located throughout the United States and Canada.
When remote, the architects need to be able to access, download, and upload architectural drawings and the associated documents on a daily basis. The construction project managers must have real-time access to all financial and accounting documents, client records and daily schedules. The CIO has reminded you that they are required to meet Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB) and Right to Financial Privacy Act requirements for protecting client financial information.
You, as a telecommunications/communications consultant, have been asked to design the telecommunications network to support this new multi-location company. Others on the team will develop the applications and databases. Your task is to identify the requirements and design a network solution that will meet those requirements (including security and privacy requirements).
The Deliverable
Define the requirements and then design an appropriate network that will support the merged architectural firm. Your paper should:
1. Analyzethegivencaseandprovideaclearsetofrequirementsforthenetwork solution
2. Identify the information that is to be protected and the related security requirements
3. Identify the types of network(s),components, devices and equipment that would be involved in meeting the needs of the stationary offices and the mobile architects and construction project managers
4. Provideanetworkdesigndiagramthatclearlyshowsanappropriatenetwork configuration to meet the requirements, with components and locations properly labeled
5. Explain the benefits of the proposed network solution
Your deliverable will be  a 3 – 5 page paper. The page requirement includes illustrations or diagrams, but does not count the cover page and Works Cited page.
The paper is to be prepared using the APA format. At least three (3) professionally and academically credible external sources (other than the textbook and other materials provided in the course) must be used, and citations and references must be in the APA format. The online textbook, course models and other course materials should be used and referenced using the APA format. Information from your research should be appropriately incorporated into your written work in your own words. Extensive use of direct quotes is not permitted.


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