Subject of my paper: Preparing my teenager for college.
My Major and why writing about this topic will be beneficial to me: My major is General Studies. This topic is beneficial to me because my son future is imperative. I feel it’s my duty to stay on top of my son classes, and for him to take advantage of AP classes.
My thesis: Preparing for college in high school by taking AP courses so my son can have a bright future. College not worth the ride if you choose the wrong degree.
Approach to the subject of my paper: It’s never too late to go back to school and obtain your degree. Take advantage of high schools that offer dual enrollment Honors and AP classes. These classes have college credits and it helps to boost your GPA.
Intended audience: Everyone, mainly people with teenagers and teenagers entering high school.
Graphs or charts: Yes I will have graph and charts.
Documentation Style: MLA format 12 point font, Time New Roman.
Kinds of sources I will use and why they will benefit my paper: My sources will come from the library and web, I will benefit from using these sources when I do my research from reliable websites.
Tentative List of References: Yes I will have citation page, mainly from the web.
****Essay Describtion- Describe the issue, connect your issue with significant concepts, distinctive features,
and critical periods in psychology. Examine any controversy surrounding your issue,
and provide a summary of how your issue has helped or hindered the study of
psychology in your analysis. Your analysis must include current research, a title page,
reference page, introduction, and conclusion. Your paper must be written in Times
New Roman 12 point font, have 1 inch margins, and be double spaced. (worth 100
points, as reflected in the Grading Rubric)
Grading Rubric
(Your paper must conform to the instructions and rubric)
Conforms to word count, proper citations, no spelling or grammatical errors 20pts
Thoroughly describes the selected issue, and discusses relative theories, and critical periods
of life-span development. 20pts
Introduction previews subject and expected outcome 20pts
Conclusion reviews subject, comes to a logical conclusion, and makes a reasonable
prediction about the future of the selected issue. 20pts
Used research, logic, and personal experience appropriately within the paper 20pts
My Major and why writing about this topic will be beneficial to me: My major is General Studies. This topic is beneficial to me because my son future is imperative. I feel it’s my duty to stay on top of my son classes, and for him to take advantage of AP classes.
My thesis: Preparing for college in high school by taking AP courses so my son can have a bright future. College not worth the ride if you choose the wrong degree.
Approach to the subject of my paper: It’s never too late to go back to school and obtain your degree. Take advantage of high schools that offer dual enrollment Honors and AP classes. These classes have college credits and it helps to boost your GPA.
Intended audience: Everyone, mainly people with teenagers and teenagers entering high school.
Graphs or charts: Yes I will have graph and charts.
Documentation Style: MLA format 12 point font, Time New Roman.
Kinds of sources I will use and why they will benefit my paper: My sources will come from the library and web, I will benefit from using these sources when I do my research from reliable websites.
Tentative List of References: Yes I will have citation page, mainly from the web.
****Essay Describtion- Describe the issue, connect your issue with significant concepts, distinctive features,
and critical periods in psychology. Examine any controversy surrounding your issue,
and provide a summary of how your issue has helped or hindered the study of
psychology in your analysis. Your analysis must include current research, a title page,
reference page, introduction, and conclusion. Your paper must be written in Times
New Roman 12 point font, have 1 inch margins, and be double spaced. (worth 100
points, as reflected in the Grading Rubric)
Grading Rubric
(Your paper must conform to the instructions and rubric)
Conforms to word count, proper citations, no spelling or grammatical errors 20pts
Thoroughly describes the selected issue, and discusses relative theories, and critical periods
of life-span development. 20pts
Introduction previews subject and expected outcome 20pts
Conclusion reviews subject, comes to a logical conclusion, and makes a reasonable
prediction about the future of the selected issue. 20pts
Used research, logic, and personal experience appropriately within the paper 20pts
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