Wednesday 6 April 2016

International Financial Management


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   International Financial Management

Select a movie or TV show that effectively communicates the culture, values, and norms of a society that is different from your own culture.
The movie or TV should meet the following requirements:
Must be a foreign film with subtitles
Provide you with a glimpse of what life is like in another culture
The process of watching this movie or TV show should provide you with a unique cultural e International Financial Management

Finalize the key assignment that you started in the previous unit. Incorporate feedback from discussions with your classmates and the feedback from your instructor to finalize this assignment.
Additionally, identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment based on the capital structure of the firm.
Following are the specifications for the original assignment:

Consider an investment in an international venture. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment, based upon the following:

Forecasting the foreign currency exchange rate
Interest rate parity and forecasting
Foreign investment policies
Government limitations on foreign investments
Trade regulation and policies
International finance regulations


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