Saturday 2 April 2016

Communication Multiple choice Questions During the lecture


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Communication Multiple choice Questions  During the lecture

1. During the lecture on the seven habits of highly effective people, the term “integrative solutions” was discussed. Which of the following habits is the same as finding “integrative solutions” to conflicts:
a. Be proactive
b. Begin with the end in mind
c. Put first things first
d. Think win-win
e. Synergize

2. Retaining membership in professional organizaitons, reading books and articles on your area of expertise, attending conferences, seminars, and workshop[s, and expanding your network of business associates are all ways to:
a. “sell” your organizational vision
b. Ways to develop yourself in your career
c. Things to include in a behavioral interview
d. What to include in the “experience” section of you resume
e. Ways to increase your emotional intelligence

3. Regarding the various “waves” of time management theories, what makes the fourth wave different from previous waves is that it clarifies:
a. The need to write down the things we need to accomplish in a day
b. The need to prioritize what we do in a day based on our values
c. The need for daily planning in order to accomplish goals determined to be of greatest worth
d. The need to focus on what’s important to the person, rather than focusing too much on the little things and how much time it takes to do each one
e. All of the above

4. The reason for the move away from the third wave to the fourth wave of time management approaches was because:
a. People felt a need to focus more on priorities
b. People felt a need to write things down
c. People wanted a more elaborate system
d. People were feeling too scheduled and too restricted by third wave approaches
e. People wanted values to be part of their scheduling strategy

5. What is the primary reason that it is recommended to send a think you card ot the interviewer after the interview but before a hiring decision is made:
a. Because “kissing up to the boss” has always been an effective strategy
b. Because anyone with real class sends thank you notes
c. Because it helped you to stand out and be remembered from the rest of the people who had been interviewed at the same time as you
d. Because you will be viewed as a considerate person
e. Because people appreciate anything that is traditional and that breaks away from technology

6. Based on what was discussed in the “interviewing” lecture, which of the following stages of the interview requires the most amount of effort and time and is most predictive of whether or not the applicant gets the job:
a. Before the interview (preparation for)
b. During the interview (execution of)
c. After the interview (follow up)
d. Second interviews (second chances)

7. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the use of “behavioral examples” in interviews:
a. Behavioral examples should be drawn from one’s real life
b. Behavioral examples should be about the workplace only; examples form one’s personal or family life are not acceptable in a professional interview
c. Behavioral examples should be very specific
d. Behavioral examples should be appropriately aligned with the specific competency that is being discussed
e. Interviewers like behavioral examples because everyone believes that one’s past behavior is the best predictor of one’s future behavior

f. Working harder but achieving less

8. The term “obsolescence” is when:
a. People trivialize (“make light off”) harassment in the workplace
b. People are willing to subordinate themselves to dominant leaders
c. A particular skill that someone possesses used to be valued and needed in the workplace, but now no longer is
d. An individual is particularly tolerant of ambiguous situations
e. A job applicant is over-qualified for an open position

9. According to your lecture notes, which of the following elements of negotiation is considered to be “the heart of negotiating”
a. Having a conflict of interest
b. Give and take
c. Negotiating for tangible outcomes
d. Negotiation for intangible outcomes
e. Finding common ground

10. Regarding negotiation terms, from the employer’s perspective, which of the following represents the highest salary amount and which of the following represents the lowest salary amount:
a. Target point, BATNA (second choice)
b. Opening bid, resistance point
c. Resistance point, target point
d. Opening bid, target point
e. Resistant point, opening bid

11. Regarding the above, the employee’s opening bid/ asking price is often about the same amount as the employer’s:
a. BATNA (second choice)
b. Resistance point
c. Opening bid
d. Target point

12. Which of the following is “the rationale” for why prospective employers are interested in hearing applicant’s behavioral examples:
a. Behavioral examples are the only way to prevent applicant’s from lying in interviews
b. One’s past behavior is the best predictor of one’s future behavior
c. Behavioral examples reflect whether an applicant is competent and likeable
d. Obsolescence can’t be prevented any other way
e. Everyone enjoys a good story

13. A workplace currency is something that:
a. Is motivating to employees
b. Enables employees to seek win-win solutions
c. Are important aspects of self to mention in an interview
d. Are important skills to have when trying to “move up” in your career
e. The ways in which to be “seen” and appreciated in the workplace

14. Which of the following ideas is NOT associated with the ”Competency-based” interviewing approach:
a. Competencies are considered to be relatively enduring characteristics and abilities of individuals
b. Workplace competencies often become obsolete
c. Self- and job- analyses should be the first step in preparing for this type of interview
d. Behavioral examples serve as “proof” that a person possesses a particular competency
e. Different roles/ occupations will require different competency profiles

15. Regarding “modern competencies,” which of the following is required competency because “very few problems have a single linear solution”
a. The ability to manage one’s emotions
b. The ability to manage technology
c. Being community-oriented
d. Possessing agency and responsibility
e. Having a tolerance for ambiguity

16. Regarding “career management” strategies, which of the following was NOT one of them:
a. Volunteer for high-profile projects
b. Think like a leader
c. Let your boss know your career goals
d. Be a mentor for a needy newcomer to the company
e. If unpleasant news is on the way, let your boss know early

17. Which of the following statements was NOT said in the chapter:
a. Advisory boards to business colleges have long called for schools to produce graduates with better writing and speaking skills
b. The primary concern businesses have is that school graduates have not learned proper grammar, spelling, and basic techniques of speaking
c. Communication that is technically correct does not necessarily change the values or behaviors of the receiver
d. Mike Ditka, former coach of the Chicago Bears, is a well-known person who sometimes “murdered the English Language” but was able to provide heart-to-heart, emotional, and spiritual communication that lead to effective action
e. Many courses on written communication focus more on rules of grammar than on using words to inspire

18. Good leaders apply                                            by recognizing the good behavior of their followers as soon as possible after the behavior
a. Thorndike’s law of effect
b. Goal-setting theory
c. Expectancy theory
d. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
e. Herzberg’s two-factor theory

19. When an employee feels like his or her efforts have gone unnoticed, this is a violation of                                                             :
a. Thorndike’s law of effect
b. Goal-setting theory
c. Expectancy theory
d. Instrumentality
e. Valence

20. Regarding goal-setting theory, which of the following statements was NOT said:
a. Goals can be motivating or de-motivating
b. Stretch goals that are set too high can be discouraging when we shoot for them and miss
c. Goals that motivate must be challenging---but attainable
d. When managing people it’s important to align the goals of the organization with the individual goals of the employees
e. All of the above were said

21. The concepts of instrumentality and valence are part of which one of the following:
a. Thorndike’s law of effect
b. Goal-setting theory
c. Expectancy theory
d. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
e. Herzberg’s two-factor theory

22. If you have a strong need for                                . it was suggested that you should not pursue a career in management.
a. Power
b. Money
c. Achievement
d. Affiliation
e. Recognition

23. According to Herzberg’s two-factor theory, which of the following was classified as a “dissatisfier”
a. Pay
b. The nature of the work itself
c. Actual job responsibilities
d. Opportunity for personal growth
e. Feelings of achievement

24. Herzberg’s theory recommends that in order to motivate their employees managers should focuse on:
a. Extrinsic rewards
b. Dissatisfiers
c. Satisfiers
d. Hygiene factors
e. All of the above

25. Which of the following was NOT said regarding the question of what managers should reward?
a. Employees should be rewarded for both “smart work” and “busy work”
b. Employees should not be rewarded for being “yes men” and “yes women”
c. If teamwork is important in your organization, it is necessary to reward collaborative efforts and not just individual efforts
d. Workers who find ways to simplify procedures and save time should be rewarded
e. A simple “thank you” for a job well done can be very powerful reward


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